
Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy



This Privacy Policy applies to, your user account, and any application used in connection with your user account, any games or apps or videos or other content which you purchase or use via, payment methods, the xtreme web forums, xtreme customer and technical support and any other services we provide to you (we'll just call all this " xtreme services" for short).
Specifically, this Privacy Policy governs personal information and non-personal information which we collect from you when you're using xtreme’s services. ("Personal information" means personal data which, on its own or in combination with other information, can be used to identify you and which are necessary to provide the services by the Company software).
We respect your right to privacy and will only process personal information in accordance with applicable data protection legislation in India (including the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act).
The Company works with trusted partners, developers and publishers, payment providers, customer service software providers and others (“Partners”) – more on them later in this Policy.
For personal information contained in this Privacy Policy which is used by the Company.


When you register a Xtreme account with us, you will need to provide us:

Your username used to identify yourself in any of services provided by us;
Your email address;
Password (which is encrypted so that we don’t have access to it);
Any other data which you supply us via our services;

This information is necessary for us to provide you with the Company account requested by you. This information will be protected by your Company account password. You are responsible for keeping it safe - please don't share it with anyone.

When you use the Company services we may also collect the following information (how we use it is described later in this document):
Technical details about devices which you use to access Xtreme services, including: Internet and/or network connection (including your IP address); mobile device identifiers; your operating system, browser type or other software; your hardware details; or other technical details provided by your web browser. This is technical data about our users and their actions and patterns, which does not provide personal information;
Other information required in order to help you with any queries/support you may need assistance with via the Company forums or customer support, including communications with you;
And limited payment processing information, including as applicable your credit card number, name and email address (on a hashed/anonymized basis as applicable), payment methods, payment engine and transaction type; fraud risk score;
Any other information which you supply us via our services;

Bug reports and crash logs: the Company software will generate bug or crash reports regarding the Company services – these reports will not mention your personal information. You can decide whether to submit these reports to the Company automatically. If you manually submit bug or crash reports to us, or if we contact you asking for feedback regarding crash or bug reports, then we may store them alongside your personal information.
Payment details (if/when you use them in the Company Services): this is a matter for the relevant payment method/platform/processor. We process only limited payment processing information on a hashed/anonymized basis as applicable. If you make any purchases within the Company Services, then we are notified by the payment processor once a transaction takes place and of course we make sure you receive your purchased item, but we will not receive any of your actual payment details.
We may also collect some non-personal data about users: statistical information on usage of services, information of devices used to connect them) in order improve our services which are used by you.


We may collect, process and use information about you in the following ways (either directly or via our Partners as explained above):
Information you give us via the Company services;
Information given when you contact us or report a problem with the Company services;
Surveys that we use for research purposes, although you don't have to respond to them. We may collect this information via the Company services or trusted third parties connected with us for optional things like surveys or polls;
Data about your activities as a user of our services (IP address, purchases, country of origin).

We also collect information about you via cookies and web log files to track the use of the Site. A cookie is a tiny data file that resides on your computer and allows the Provider to recognize you as a User when you return to the Site using the same computer and web browser. User may choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If your browser settings do not allow cookies, note that some parts of the Site may not function properly. Cookies and log file data are used to customize your experience on the Site.
One type of cookie, known as a "session" cookie, is used to identify a particular visit to the Site. Session cookie expires after a short time or when you close your web browser.
Moreover, the Site may use local shared objects, commonly called a "flash cookies" for purposes such as storing Users’ preferences. You may manage or opt out of your flash cookies here.


We will utilize your information in the following ways:
to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts between you and us, like providing access to your Company account, providing you with the games and technical support and in general allowing to use the Company Services and its functionalities when you choose to do so f. ex. your Xtreme user profile, chat, forum or cloud saving.
to ensure that Xtreme services are presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer or other device from which you access the Company services.
to provide you with information, products or services that you request from us and which we feel may interest you - in particular, we may send you newsletters or emails about the Company services, special and occasional offers like a welcome offer or provide you with ads, offers and product recommendations on the basis of your purchases or activity on our and third party websites and services.
to evaluate the effectiveness of our marketing actions and improve the quality of our marketing;
to notify you about changes to the Company services and our legal documents.
to improve or modify the Company services, ie. based on which games you like, which apps you use, reported problems, your suggestions or satisfaction surveys;
to protect you from an unauthorized use of your account and against fraud;
for tax, legal and accounting purposes;

for the accountability purposes as defined by Indian law.

Non-personal data. We might process some aggregated and general non-personal data on user behavior (e.g. sales per region, number of support tickets) and share it with third party partners who work with us to provide the Company services to you (for example, with games developers/publishers selling games or renting on or with payment providers) in order to support, improve or amend the Company services or to help them to improve their products, which you have bought. We may also share nonpersonal information with data analyst to help us run the Company.


We may share your personal data with affiliated companies and trusted partners within our corporate family, with third parties with which we have partnered to allow you to integrate their services into our own Services, and with trusted third party service providers as necessary for them to perform services on our behalf, such as:
Processing credit card payments
Serving advertisements
Targeting and personalizing our marketing communication, offers and advertisement that we display on our websites and services
Performing analysis of our Services and customers demographics
Communicating with you, such as by email or survey delivery
Customer relationship management.

We only share your personal data as necessary to any third party to provide the services as requested or as needed on our behalf. These third parties (and any subcontractors) are subject to strict data processing terms and conditions and are prohibited from utilizing, sharing or retaining your personal data for any purpose other than as they have been specifically contracted for (or without your consent).

Our trusted partners; In general, we don’t share information about you to third parties. There’re exceptions like our Trusted Partners that help us deliver our Services and functionalities to you. Rest assured that we always provide our partners with the minimum information necessary for them to help us. They may have potential or actual access to limited data about you and process it on our behalf (they are formally called “Data Processors”):

Third party vendors that provide us with internal management and data sharing tools;
Third party vendors that provide us with analytical tools;
Third party vendors that provide us with email marketing tools to help us managing our email communications;
Third party vendors that provide us with error tracking and crash reporting tools; In general, we don’t share information about you to third parties. There’re exceptions like our Trusted Partners – these are companies that help us do our things like data analytics, processing payments, internal tools or running a variety of marketing activities.
Customer Service Software & Support Ticket System to help us manage your requests;
Our professional advisors dealing i.e. with legal, tax, audit or accounting matters;
Social media platforms for the purpose of personalized and targeted communication;

During the payment process, we may also share information about you with other trusted partners who handle it independently as the so-called data controllers:

payment-providers for payment processing purposes;
banks and financial institutions to obtain payment;
Anti-fraud service providers; when required by law; we may also share your data with police or other government authorities (including your IP address and details of suspected unlawful or fraudulent activity like unauthorized use of payment methods and security risk scores).

When it is requested or required by law or by any court or governmental agency or authority to disclose, for the purpose of verification of identity, or for the prevention, detection, investigation including cyber incidents, or for prosecution and punishment of offences. These disclosures are made in good faith and belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary for enforcing these Terms; for complying with the applicable laws and regulations.


We may contact you directly or through a third party service provider regarding products or services you have signed up or purchased from us, such as necessary to deliver transactional or service related communications. We may also contact you with offers for additional services we think you’ll find valuable if you give us consent or where allowed based upon legitimate interests. You don’t need to provide consent as a condition to purchase our goods or services. These contacts may include:

Text (SMS) messages
Telephone calls
Automated phone calls or text messages.


We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data. These include internal reviews of our data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, including appropriate encryption and physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where we store personal data.
All information gathered on our Website is securely stored within our controlled database. The database is stored on servers secured behind a firewall; access to the servers is password-protected and is strictly limited. However, as effective as our security measures are, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our database, nor can we guarantee that information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. And, of course, any information you include in a posting to the discussion areas is available to anyone with Internet access.


Please be aware that we are subject to various laws and we may be required to release personal information to comply with law enforcement or other legal requirements.
In the unlikely event of a reorganization or merger of the Company or the Company accounts we may transfer personally identifiable information to an involved third party who will protect this to at least the same level as we do in this Privacy Policy.


We may change this Privacy Policy if we think it's necessary for legal reasons or to reflect changes in the Company services. If so, we will make the changed Privacy Policy available online and (if you have a Xtreme account) we'll email you to explain the changes.
Once we change the Privacy Policy, it will become legally binding on you 14 days after we post it online. During that period, you're welcome to contact us if you have specific questions about the changes.
If you don't agree to those changes (regardless of whether you email us), then unfortunately we must ask you to cease using the Company services. We're sorry we have to say that, but we hope you'll appreciate that for the Company services to work properly we need to have everyone using it under the same rules instead of different people having different rules. That's why we encourage you to get in contact if you have queries.